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New Issue | Centennial of the Army Physical Education School

Sobre o Selo

O selo celebra o Centenário da Escola de About the Stamp

The postage stamp celebrates the Centennial of the Army Physical Education School. The artwork chosen to compose the postage stamp captures the student, the instruction, the instructor, the physical activity, and the school. Which reflects the soul of this institution. In the background you can see Sugarloaf Mountain, which completes the picture and the natural landscape where the school is located. In the upper left corner is the EsEFEx centennial logo, which is also the title of this issue. The techniques used were paint, photography and computer graphics.

Centennial of the Army Physical Education School

The Army Physical Education School (Escola de Educação Física do Exército - EsEFEx) was founded on January 10, 1922, and celebrates its first centennial this year. EsEFEx was created, initially, as the Military Center of Physical Education, by the Minister of War João Pandiá Calógeras, on behalf of the President of the Republic Epitácio Pessoa and, initially, it was located next to the School of Infantry Sergeants, in Vila Militar. It originated in the dream of the then Lt Newton de Andrade Cavalcanti, who, in 1919, led a group of officers and cadets from the Military School of Realengo, who sought to systematize the practice of Physical Education in the military and civilian environment. In 1930, it was transferred to the São João Fortress, in the Urca neighborhood, in Rio de Janeiro, and, in 1933, was transformed into the Army Physical Education School.

Considered the cradle of the Methodical and Rational Teaching of Physical Education in Brazil, the EsEFEX is a higher education institution, with undergraduate and Lato Sensu specialization courses in the line of Military Warfare Education, subordinated to the Army Physical Training Center (Centro de Capacitação Física do Exército - CCFEx). This institution, throughout its 100 years of existence, has been responsible for planning and conducting the Physical Education Instructor, Physical Education Monitor, Master of Weapons, and Sports Medicine courses. Based on the guidelines of the Army Department of Education and Culture, it employs teaching by competence and excels in quality, cutting-edge education, prioritizing the “learning by doing” methodology and the continued development of attitudes and values.

The Physical Education Instructor Course confers a bachelor’s degree to its graduates and the other courses confer the lato sensu post-graduate diploma. The EsEFEX also develops research in the area of Physical Education and Sports, supports other Military Organizations in organizing and holding national and international competitions, and in training Army and Armed Forces teams. With a privileged geographical location and next to the CCFEx, the institution has a modern infrastructure for teaching, research, and sports practice.

The “Black Shorts”, as the military personnel trained by the EsEFEx are known, have the important mission of developing and maintaining the physical and mental health of the troops, as well as updating and improving the doctrine applied to military physical activities, and promoting and supporting sporting competitions. All with the primary objective of contributing to the improvement of the physical conditioning, the operationality, and health of the Land Force, and the well-being and quality of life of the military family.

Internationally recognized as one of the best Physical Education, Fencing, and Sports training schools in the world, many of its alumni represent Brazil and the Armed Forces in international military competitions, as athletes, physical trainers, coaches, and team leaders. Thus, the EsEFEx has been collaborating, over the years, for the evolution of national sports and for the projection of the country and the Armed Forces. Given its importance in the national sporting scene, the members of the EsEFEx have the privilege of being close, of exchanging experiences, and of absorbing the expertise of renowned coaches, officials, managers, and former athletes, who visit the institute, give lectures, and participate in academic activities, broadening the body of knowledge and increasing the quality of the instruction provided.

As a center of excellence, the research carried out in its laboratories and the academic production developed by instructors, teachers, monitors, and students are shared and appreciated by the scientific community, allowing the updating of knowledge and the application of fundamentals and theories for the benefit of the Army and Physical Education. As part of the EsEFEx’s extension project, the students plan, coordinate, and execute sporting and recreational activities for veterans, the military family, and the local community, such as the Summer Camp and the EsFEx “masterclass”. These activities also aim to combat sedentary lifestyles, encourage the practice of sports, and promote the health, well-being, and quality of life of the participants.

Currently, the EsEFEx, together with the Army Physical Training Research Institute and the Army Sports Commission, and under the guidance of the CCFFEx, integrates one of the largest knowledge development centers in Physical Training and Physical Education in Brazil. Thus, the dream idealized and materialized by the then Lieutenant Newton de Andrade Cavalcanti reaches its first centennial, full of victories and success stories, maintaining its pioneering, young and pioneering spirit.

EsEFEX is proud to be the cradle of the Methodical and Rational Teaching of Physical Education. More than that, it is proud to continue being a reference in teaching, research, and extension. 100 YEARS OF THE ARMY PHYSICAL EDUCATION SCHOOL, LONG LIVE THE BLACK SHORTS.

Army Physical Education School

Technical Details

Stamp issue N. 17

Art: André de Souza Ferraz Alves

Print system: offset + spot color

Paper: gummed chalky paper

Sheet with 10 stamps

Facial value: 1st class rate for domestic mail

Issue: 80,000 stamps

Design area: 39 x 21mm

Stamp dimensions: 44 x 26mm

Perforation: 11 x 11.5

Date of issue: November 9th, 2022

Place of issue: Rio de Janeiro/RJ

Printing: Brazilian Mint



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