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Who we are


The Brazilian Philatelic Federation (FEBRAF) was founded on December 17, 1976. It is a civil society of a cultural character, non-profit, destined to promote and integrate philatelic activities in Brazil, as well as to represent it internationally.
The maintenance of FEBRAF comes from the annual fee of its members and the collaboration of official and private entities.
FEBRAF is headquartered in the city of Rio de Janeiro and, for administrative purposes, the city of domicile of the incumbent President (Rio de Janeiro - RJ), serving its affiliates by post, telephone, Internet, and other communication channels. and, personally, when events are held.

MAIN OBJECTIVES: Respecting the autonomy of affiliated philatelic entities, FEBRAF, within its generic purposes, has the objectives listed below, maintaining the strictest neutrality in political, philosophical and religious matters.
a) Promote, regulate and harmonize all philatelic activity developed in the national territory by philatelists;
b) Ensure and coordinate the annual realization of a set of philatelic events, competitive or simply promotional, with the size, frequency and level appropriate to the interests of Brazilian Philately and to its degree of development, such as courses, seminars, exhibitions, etc.;
c) Seek to ensure, within its competence and capacity, the harmonization of interests and relations between philatelists and philatelic traders;
d) Coordinate and ensure the global representation of the common interests of Brazilian philatelists, at the national level, with official bodies and the Brazilian Postal Administration;
e) Representing Brazilian Philately with International Philately Organizations, maintaining effective collaboration with the International Philatelic Federation (FIP), the Inter-American Philatelic Federation (FIAF) and with the Philatelic Federations of foreign countries, aiming at harmony and development Philately at the international level;
f) Centralize, for statistical and dissemination purposes, all data relating to the social life of affiliated philatelic entities;
g) Prepare and promulgate the Regulations that guide its different activities;
h) Edit or sponsor philatelic publications.

FEBRAF is affiliated with the International Philatelic Federation (FIP) and the Inter-American Philatelic Federation (FIAF).

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