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BRAPEX 2021 Official Cancellation


The first BRAPEX – Brazilian Philatelic Exhibition - (BRAzilian Philatelic EXhibition) took place in 1938, in Rio de Janeiro. In its 15th edition, it brings together exhibitors and collectors in general, dealers, judges and all segments that share a passion for the postage stamp.


The 14 editions, which have taken place over these 73 years, have accompanied major changes not only in the communication methods but also in the progressive incorporation of technology into everyday life. Philately needed to adapt to the tragic moment we live in so that the postage stamp, which began its trajectory in 1840 and the millenary postal history, continued to be available to everyone.


Certainly, the main peculiarity of this edition is its virtual character, the result of the need for restrictions on full social interaction due to the pandemic that devastates Humanity. This milestone period will be overcome with resilience and philately will remain vigorous, as it counts, in its ranks, with great enthusiasts, many of whom contributed enormously to the success of BRAPEX 2021. To name names would lead to the unfairness of omitting important people.


On behalf of FEBRAF, the highest body of Brazilian philately, I thank you for your enthusiasm and involvement and I salute all those who, in some way, participate in BRAPEX 2021.


Rogerio Dedivitis

President of FEBRAF


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