In exhibitions sponsored by the Brazilian Federation of Philately, the following philatelists are accredited to act as jurors, in their respective specialties:
> Agnaldo de Souza Gabriel -- Maximafilia
> Carlos Dalmiro Soares -- Youth Philately
> Carlos Eduardo Capucio -- Thematic Philately, Youth Philately
> Everaldo Santos -- Postal History
> Geraldo Ribeiro de Andrade Jr. -- Thematic Philately, Literature and Maximaphilia
> Ginaldo Bezerra da Silva -- Postal History
> José Evair Soares -- Youth Philately
> Klerman Wanderley Lopes -- Postal, Traditional and Aerophilately History
> Luis Claudio Fritzen -- Thematic Philately and Youth Philately
> Luiz F. Junqueira Alvim -- Youth Philately
> Marcio Javaroni -- Literature
> Paulo Risi -- Traditional
> Peter Meyer -- Traditional
> Reinaldo Estevão de Macedo -- Thematic Philately and Postcard Integers
> Reinaldo Jacob -- Traditional
> Rogério Aparecido Dedivitis -- Thematic Philately and Postcard Integers
> Rosa Maria Bicalho -- Fiscal Philately and Youth Philately
> Rubem Porto Jr. -- Postal and Traditional History
> Sergio Laux -- Traditional and Fiscal Philately
> Sergio Marques da Silva -- Literature
> William Dao Chen -- Postal Integers, Youth and Traditional Philately