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Commemorative Postal Issue | 100 Years of the Social Security

About the Stamp

The art of the stamp was based on the representativeness and importance that Social Security has to Brazil. The main objective was to enhance the protection and assistance to the Brazilian citizen. The graphics encompass concepts and elements that historically represent Social Security such as the railroad, the worker, wealth, diversity, work, time, the Brazilian citizen, among others, drawn with patterns and geometric shapes, to compose the train that strengthens the idea of directing the nation to the future, carrying with it a century of history. Finally, the colors blue, yellow and green follow the same shades as the Social Security logo. The technique used was computer graphics.

Centenary of Social Security

The Correios, through the Brazilian Philately, issues commemorative postage stamp to celebrate the centenary of Social Security, an institution of great historical importance for the Brazilian population.

On January 24, 2023, Brazil celebrated the centenary of the enactment of the Eloy Chaves law, considered the milestone of Social Security in the country. Legislative Decree No. 4,682, of January 24, 1923, sanctioned by the then President of the Republic, Arthur da Silva Bernardes, created, in each railroad company in the country, a Retirement and Pensions Fund (CAPs) for its employees.

In the following years, pension and pension funds multiplied. From the 1930s onwards the CAPs were gradually replaced by nationwide Pension and Retirement Institutes, better known in Brazil as the IAPs. This management format lasted until the creation of the National Institute of Social Security-INPS, in 1966, and its respective installation, in 1967, when the unification of IAPs, nationally.

In 1990, the INPS was transformed into the National Institute of Social Security (INSS). Currently, the INSS pays 37,1 million Social Security and assistance benefits, every month and strictly up to date. It is recognized as one of the largest income distribution mechanisms on the planet. A commemorative agenda of the Centenary of Social Security in Brazil has a year of celebration, that is, it will be extended to the entire year of 2023.

Carlos Lupi

Minister of State for Social Security

Technical Details

Stamp issue N. 1

Art: Lucas Ramos

Facial value: 1st class rate for domestic mail

Printing: Brazilian Mint

Print system: offset

Paper: gummed chalky paper

Issue: 80,000 stamps

Sheet with 16 stamps

Sheet dimensions: 180 x 171mm

Stamp dimensions: 40 x 30mm

Design area: 35 x 25mm

Perforation: 11.5 x 12

Date of issue: March 29th, 2023

Place of issue: BrasĂ­lia/DF and JundiaĂ­/SP

Suggested thematic: Economy

Head: Department of National Products/Correios Brasil


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