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The Brazilian Philatelic Federation (FEBRAF) invites all Brazilian philatelists to participate in BRAPEX 2021, which will take place from August 1st to 15th, 2021.

A National Philatelic Exhibition that will house all philatelic classes. We count on the great participation of our philatelists.

Mr. Miguel Rodrigues de Magalhães was appointed Commissioner-General, please contact him to register your collection.

WhatsApp - 9 7474-7341

Come and participate with your collections, studies, and publications. It is of utmost importance to publicize the philatelic activities developed in our country, for a greater improvement of the new exhibitors to come.

This time new collections will also be accepted without previous participation in exhibitions, it is an opportunity to present and classify your collection for international exhibitions.

In these difficult times, BRAPEX 2021 will be totally virtual, and this is the way we found to be able to meet at a distance, but even so, to be able to spend a few moments enjoying the collections that always arouse us so much pleasure.

All participants will receive a beautiful certificate sent virtually and a medal that will be sent by post.

Welcome, everyone!

By clicking on the links below you will have access to the regulations and the registration form.

Download PDF • 208KB
Brapex 2021 - Ficha de Inscricao
Download PPTX • 104KB

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