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Special Postal Issue | The Sunset

About the Stamps

The sheet is composed of 15 sunset photographs, contemplating the 5 regions of Brazil, with 3 photos of each region. The techniques used were photography and computer graphics


The sun! The great star of our system that warms us, illuminates us, gives us energy, warmth, and joy. After all, who hasn’t caught themselves looking at the sky with this star and smiled? At each appearance the Sun brings new things to invigorate us. The sun and the Earth together make a perfect dance, a show of colors, nuances, seasons, everything in rhythm with the rhythm of life.

Scientifically, our planet makes a rotation movement, revolving around itself, while it also slowly revolves in translation around the sun, and each revolution it makes around itself lasts 24 hours. The calculation to know the exact time that the sunset will occur is based on astronomical formulas, which calculate the length of the day for any place on the planet. After the calculation, this time is divided into 2 parts, subtracting a portion from noon, to obtain the sunrise time, and adding the other portion equal to noon, to obtain the sunset time. There are cases in which it is necessary to make a correction of a few minutes if the city is not exactly on top of the meridian of the local time zone. However, despite all the calculations, the sunset is that moment when the star hides in the horizon line, announcing the beginning of the night and saying goodbye to another day. In nature, it is time to rest and start over. It is also an opportunity to put an end to daily duties and work, and to experience pleasures.

How can we understand the meaning of this phenomenon beyond a scientific event? The Little Prince, a character from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s famous book of the same name, says, “people should see the sunset at least once a day”. The sunset is the kind of event that makes you sigh, that makes you pause everything you are doing just to watch. It is unanimous the overwhelming effect that this beautiful spectacle of nature has on all of us. Not by chance, spaces have been created so that cars can park, hotel rooms with a view to the west are more expensive, weddings, declarations, romantic episodes usually happen at this time, stories in books use it as a backdrop, and photographs taken of it are often surprising.

Contemplated, admired, applauded, the sunset brings peace, calm, an immense feeling of gratitude for everything that has been accomplished, conquered, lived. It is simultaneously the end and the new beginning. A new chance to do differently, to calm our minds and be our best version when it reappears. In Brazil, a vast country with diverse landscapes, it can take on multiple forms, colors, and reflections, depending on the natural and urban characteristics of each region.

Honored in various artistic expressions, such as films, music, poetry, verses, and paintings, the sun now also gains an unprecedented form in our miniature art with this special sunset issue that brings the five regions of Brazil represented in 15 photographs showing the richness and diversity of the country through the peculiar eyes of each author.

Result of an endomarketing action in which the internal public of Correios had the opportunity to present the sunset through their lens, this issue has something very special for valuing what Correios has best: its employees. The five regions of Brazil were very well represented in unique photographs. In all, there were more than 1,000 entries. Among the valid entries were: 37% from the Southeast, 25% from the Northeast, 20% from the South, 10% Center-West, 8% North. Initially the issue would have had one stamp from each region, but with so many photographs expressing the different beauties of Brazil, this number tripled. And so, we have the work stamped on stamps by the 15 artists named below.

For the North Region, Rosinaldo Azevedo Santos, captured a beautiful moment on Beja Beach, in Abaetetuba, Pará. The state of Tocantins was represented by Neivo Soares Guimarães’ photo of Graciosa Beach, in Palmas, on the banks of the Tocantins River, a place of fun and sunset appreciation in the city. Francisco Ronaldo Neves da Silva gives us a beautiful click directly from the city of Presidente Figueiredo, in Amazonas.

In the Northeast, Mônica Alves Guimarães presents us with her look at the Mosqueiro beach in Aracajú, Sergipe, one of the most beautiful and visited beach resorts in the region. In Bahia, Márcia Tereza Dias de Oliveira registered the Barra do Itariri, in Conde, where the river meets the sea. Patrícia Fernandes Cardoso chose to represent the end of the day at the wonderful archipelago of Fernando de Noronha, in Pernambuco.

In the Midwest, the 3 chosen photos are from the state of Goiás. Rauphe Cassimiro da Silva registered the orange and purple twilight, typical of the cerrado, in Acreúna. Carlos Moura Júnior showed the São Francisco River reflected in the golden colors at the end of the day, in Quirinópolis. The sunset in the Jardim de Maytrea, in the mystical town of Alto Paraíso, in the Chapada dos Veadeiros was captured in reddish tones, by Virggillius Giorggius Esttacius Ferreira Maia.

The southeast is represented with Ana Paula Soares’ beautiful photo of Ouro Preto, in which the sun hides behind the natural landscape and typical architecture of this historic city in Minas Gerais. The sunrays reflected on the water are the highlight of Priscila Verginia de Campos Frattini’s photograph, taken at Praia Grande in Arraial do Cabo, Rio de Janeiro. The sunset in the city of Presidente Epitácio, São Paulo, gains intensity and beauty through the lens of Ariane Cristina Dutra.

In the South, Antônio Sérgio de Sena Vaz made a click in which the windmills of Albardão, in the city of Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, are framed by red reflections. The capital of the state, Porto Alegre, appears through the lens of Ayrton Castro de Oliveira, in an interesting meeting of the river with the sun. Lucy Juliana Reiter Kleinowski portrays a unique composition in an urban and countryside landscape.

Our Sunset Special Issue will be launched on the International Sun Day, May 3rd, 2022, and comes to brighten up philately and make it even more colorful and plenty of good energies.

Technical Details

Stamp issue N. 3


Rosinaldo Azevedo Santos

Neivo Soares Guimarães

Francisco Ronaldo Neves da Silva

Mônica Alves Guimarães

Márcia Tereza Dias de Oliveira

Patrícia Fernandes Cardoso

Rauphe Cassimiro da Silva

Carlos Moura Júnior

Virggillius G. E. Ferreira Maia

Ana Paula Soares

Priscila Verginia C. Frattini

Ariane Cristina Dutra.

Antônio Sérgio de Sena Vaz

Ayrton Castro de Oliveira

Lucy Juliana Reiter Kleinowski

Print system: offset and spot ink

Paper: gummed chalky paper

Sheet with 15 stamps

Facial value: 1st class rate for domestic mail

Issue: 150,000 stamps

Design area: 40 x 30mm

Stamp dimensions: 40 x 30mm

Perforation: 11.5 x 12

Date of issue: May 3rd, 2022

Places of issue: Abaetetuba-PA, BelémPA, Palmas-TO, Presidente FigueiredoAM, Boa Vista-RR, Aracaju-SE, Conde-BA,

Salvador-BA, Rio de Janeiro, Fernando de Noronha-PE, Acreúna-GO, QuirinópolisGO, Alto Paraíso-Go, Goiânia-GO, Ouro

Preto-MG, Arraial do Cabo-RJ, Presidente Epitácio, SP, São Paulo-SP, Bauru-SP, Porto Alegre-RS, Florianópolis-SC and


Printing: Brazilian Mint



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